News Release

Cisco Systems and The City of Boston Announce Partnership for Boston NetDay96

18 Partner Schools to Receive Internet Access Equipment,
Oct 21, 1996

18 Partner Schools to Receive Internet Access Equipment, Support and Training

BOSTON, Mass. -October 21, 1996- Eighteen Boston schools will launch into cyberspace onBoston's NetDay96 thanks in part to a partnership announced by Cisco Systems,Inc., and City of Boston Mayor Thomas M. Menino.

More than 14,000 students and 1,100 educators will now have the opportunity toaccess whole new worlds of information through Cisco's donation of eighteenrouters and additional Internet access hardware and software, plus technicalsupport and training.

"Schools have always taught reading, writing and arithmetic. Now we can add'resource' for all of the information students and teachers can tap intowith anInternet connection," said John Morgridge, chairman of the board at CiscoSystems, Inc., which has its New England R&D operation in Chelmsford, Mass."Asan original sponsor of NetDay California and a long-time supporter ofeducation,Cisco Systems is proud to donate the time, talent and equipment to give Bostonwhat it needs to make Boston NetDay96 a success."

The partnership was announced by Mayor Menino during a Boston NetDay96 Kick-offEvent at Jeremiah E. Burke High School, 60 Washington Street, Dorchester.

"Boston applauds the private sector and its involvement in Boston NetDay96 andall the benefits the Internet will bring to students and educators," Meninosaid. "As a city with a proud tradition of community involvement, we thankCisco Systems for donating not just the technology but also the volunteer timeand talent to make this work for Boston's schools."

As part of Cisco's support of NetDay96, 500 Cisco volunteers are donatingtheirtime and skills in dozens of schools nationwide. Cisco has also donatedequipment and services to individual schools participating in NetDay96.

In Chelmsford, Mass., Cisco has 'adopted' McCarthy Middle School for MassNetDay96. Volunteers from Cisco, the school and the Chelmsford community willgather on Sat., Oct. 26 to run cable, drill holes, install equipment andconnectMcCarthy to the Internet. The company is also sponsoring a Cisco Citizenprogram for Cisco's New England employees who want to volunteer at a school intheir community.

Approximately 150 schools in Massachusetts are planning to connect to theInternet on Mass NetDay96, according to Steve Miller, executive director ofMassNetworks Education Partnership, Inc.

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