SAN JOSE, Calif. - July 2, 1996 - Cisco Systems, Inc. today announced thatDIGEX Inc. has chosen Ciscoproducts to deliver its best-of-classcommercial Internet services. DIGEX Telecommute Services Group providessubscriber line Internet access featuring high reliability and extensivecustomer support for telecommuters and small office/home office (SOHO)customers.
DIGEX, an Internet Service Provider (ISP) based in Beltsville, Md., is oneof the first ISPs to integrate the Cisco AS5200 accessserver asthe dial-up platform of choice for its subscribers to use when accessingDIGEX's services. DIGEX also relies on Cisco as its end-to-end networkingsolution provider to supply central backbone routers, remote office routersand dial-up access servers.
"With plans to bring commercial grade services up in 55 cities nationallythis year and grow to 100 commercial Points of Presence (POPs) by April1997, we will deploy a full complement of Cisco AS5200s to provide thehigh-density dial-up access required for both digital and analogsubscribers," said Christopher McCleary, president and chief executiveofficer at DIGEX.
"Cisco's AS5200 allows us to issue one dial-in number to all of oursubscribers, because the AS5200 accepts both analog and digital calls witha single trunk line. This capability provides us with a simple, reliableand scalable solution to fuel our growth into the future," explained BrianDeobald, vice president and general manager for DIGEX's TelecommuteSolutions Group.
Cisco and DIGEX deliver complete solutions
Digex has chosen the Cisco7513 core router for its national backbonenetwork - 27 are already in use - and relies on other Cisco products todeliver high-reliability services. The Cisco 1005 is thesynchronous router of choice for deployment in remote business offices,and the Cisco AS5200 will become the high-density access server of choice.
"With the addition of the Cisco AS5200, we are in a firm position toprovide a single-vendor remote access solution to growing ISPs such asDIGEX," said Ian Pennell, Cisco's director of access server marketing. "Asa single-vendor solution provider, Cisco can deploy a host of accessproducts to meet needs ranging from corporate backbones to single users intheir homes. No other networking vendor can provide such a wide range ofsolutions to meet the growth potential of the Internet."
DIGEX, a national first-tierInternet service provider, maintains afault-tolerant DS-3 fiber optic network with major points of presencethroughout the United States. Since 1991, DIGEX has been deliveringindustrial strength Internet connections and servers for businesses,government agencies, educational institutions and other international ISPs.In addition to a complete line of business connectivity solutions, thecompany offers high-speed Web server hosting, security and Interneteducational services.
About Cisco
Cisco Systems (NASDAQ: CSCO) is the leading globalsupplier ofinternetworkingsolutions for corporate intranets and the global Internet.Cisco's products, including routers, LAN and ATM switches, dial-up accessservers and network management software, are integrated by the Cisco IOSsoftware to link geographically dispersed LANs, WANs and IBM networks.Company news and product/service information are available at World WideWeb site is headquartered in San Jose, California.
Posted: Mon Mar 10 14:38:47 PST 1997