SAN JOSE, Calif. - April 29, 1996 - Cisco Systems, Inc. today announced newsolutions that provide 50 million Novell NetWare users with easy-to-use,cost-effective and secure connections to the Internet and otherTransmission Control Protocol/InternetProtocol (TCP/IP)-based networks.The Cisco IPeXchange 1000 Series of Internet Gateways combine hardware andsoftware to provide IPX-to-IP gateway functionality along with remotenetwork connectivity.
Available in three models, the products consist of the Cisco IPeXchangesoftware, based on Cisco IOSTM technologies andCisco 1000 serieshardware. The products will also incorporate ClickStart, Cisco'spowerful World Wide Web-based software configuration and set-up tool.
By using IPX protocols on the remote LAN and a single IP address for theentire Novell network, network managers will no longer need to configureand maintain a TCP/IP stack on every desktop computer. This also creates afirewall between the internal NetWare network and the public network,preventing intruders from accessing critical information on any desktop orNetWare server. With the IPeXchange Internet Gateways, connecting aNetWare network to the Internet is now a quick, simple and inexpensiveprocess.
"The IPeXchange Internet Gateways are another example of Cisco'scorporate-wide initiative to simplify the installation and operation ofinternetworks for customers," said Don Listwin, vice president and generalmanager of the Access Business Unit at Cisco Systems. "NetWare users willrealize immediate cost savings and reduce installation time to a matter ofminutes."
The IPeXchange Internet Gateways also include Cisco's new ClickStartsoftware. ClickStart is a Cisco IOS technology, and its easy-to-useinterface guides the user through the installation process. ClickStart isinteroperable with the most popular Web browser packages, includingNetscape NavigatorTM, which is bundled with the IPeXchange InternetGateways. By completing an initial set-up form using a simplepoint-and-click interface, a user can easily configure the gateway tooperate over a wide-area network. The IPeXchange Internet Gateways can bemanaged from a central location.
Three IPeXchange Internet Gateway models will be available. The IPeXchange1003 and IPeXchange 1004 support Ethernet-to-ISDN connectivity. TheIPeXchange 1003 includes an ISDN BRI port, and the IPeXchange 1004 includesan integrated NTI device. The IPeXchange 1005 supports Ethernet-to-FrameRelay or Ethernet-to-leased line connectivity. All models are available in20- or 50-user configurations and support Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP),compression and several other powerful features for optimizing WANbandwidth and costs.
Cisco Systems (NASDAQ: CSCO) is the leading globalsupplier ofinternetworkingsolutions for corporate intranets and the global Internet.Cisco's products, including routers, LAN and ATM switches, dial-up accessservers and network management software, are integrated by the Cisco IOSsoftware to link geographically dispersed LANs, WANs and IBM networks.Company news and product/service information are available at World WideWeb site Cisco is headquartered in San Jose, Calif.