News Release

Cisco and Netscape Sign Software Licensing Agreement

Simplified Internet Software Solution Ideal for NetWare Users
Jan 16, 1996

SAN Jose, Calif., -- January 16, 1996 -- Offering the millions of networkPC users an easy way to connect to the Internet, Cisco Systems, Inc. todayannounced a licensing agreement with Netscape Communications Corp. tobundle Netscape Navigator(tm) client software with Cisco's recentlyacquired Internet Junction Internet gateway software. Together, Cisco andNetscape are providing Novell NetWare users with a complete solution forsimplified connection to Internet resources such as the World Wide Web.

The newly combined software package connects NetWare PC's to the nativelanguage of the Internet, TCP/IP,without requiring network managers toinstall complex TCP/IP networking software on every PC. The bundlesimplifies and centralizes the management of Internet connections andpreserves Windows NT, Novell NetWare, and UNIX network investments byisolating sensitive business information on mission-critical networkservers. Netscape Navigator also adds advanced Internet security featuresbased on the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) open protocol.

"Our new software bundle will give Novell NetWare network managers aneasily applied and installed Internet access solution for their currentnetwork," said Ed Kozel, general manager of Cisco's Internet Business Unit."The Netscape Navigator client provides an easy-to-use access point forentering the Internet over Cisco's gateway software. Users will be able toexplore online information worldwide and confidently conduct business,"added Kozel.

"This agreement with Cisco brings the ease of use and advanced features ofNetscape Navigator to NetWare users looking for a complete Internetsolution," said Mike Homer, vice president of marketing at Netscape."Together, we are making it easy for organizations to provide users withpoint-and-click access to the wealth of information and resources availableon Intranets -- enterprise networks -- and the Internet."

The new Internet Junction/Netscape Navigator software bundle is availableimmediately through both direct and two-tier distribution channels.Enterprise customers can purchase the new bundle directly from Ciscostarting at $595 for a five user license by calling Cisco Systems at (800)553-6387. CiscoPro(tm) InternetJunction software is also bundled withNetscape Navigator software and can be purchased through CiscoPro VARs.CiscoPro products are sold to businesses, institutions and individuals foruse in branch offices, medium- and small-sized businesses and professionalhome offices. These markets are predicted to grow from $2.5 billion in1995 to $7.2 billion in 1999, according to In-Stat, Inc.

Corporate Background

Cisco Systems (NASDAQ: CSCO) is the leading globalsupplier of enterpriseinternetworking solutions,including routers, LAN and ATM switches, dial-upaccess servers and network management software. These products, integratedby the Cisco IOS(tm) software, linkgeographically dispersed LANs, WANs andIBM networks. Cisco news and product/service information are available atWorld Wide Web site Cisco is headquartered in SanJose, CA.

Netscape Communications Corporation is a premier provider of open softwarefor linking people and information over enterprise networks and theInternet. The company offers a full line of Netscape Navigator clients,servers, development tools, and Netscape Internet Applications to create acomplete platform for next-generation, live online applications. Traded onNASDAQ under the symbol "NSCP," Netscape Communications Corporation isbased in Mountain View, California.

Cisco, CiscoPro and Cisco Systems are registered trademarks of CiscoSystems, Inc. Netscape Communications, Netscape Navigator and Netscape aretrademarks of Netscape Communications Corporation. All other product namesare trademarks of their respective companies.

Posted: Tue Jan 16 14:06:26 PST 1996