SAN JOSE, Calif., August 3, 1995 -- Masayoshi Son, president and CEO ofSOFTBANK Corporation, the leading PC software distributor and computerindustry trade show organizer, has been elected to the board of directorsof Cisco Systems, Inc.
"With Mr. Son's experience in relationships with OEMs, Japanese corporatecustomers, distribution and marketing, we are pleased to have him on ourboard," said
SOFTBANK was the driving force that brought 13 of Japan's leading companiestogether in a
In 1990, SOFTBANK formed a joint venture with Novell Japan in conjunctionwith Novell, Inc.
SOFTBANK is Japan's largest distributor of computer systems, software, andperipherals, and is Japan's largest publisher of computer-related magazinesand books. SOFTBANK acquired Ziff-Davis' computer trade show business nowknown as SOFTBANK Expos, operator of the Networld+Interop, WindowsSolutions and other computer trade shows. In early 1995, SOFTBANK alsoacquired the computer trade show business of the Interface Group, now namedSOFTBANK COMDEX, which operates COMDEX, Windows World and several othertrade shows.
Prior to starting SOFTBANK, Mr. Son invented and patented a multilingualpocket translator that he sold to Sharp Corporation and that became theprototype of Sharp's successful Wizard series. He graduated with a in Economics from the University of California at Berkeley in 1980.
Mr. Son replaces Carol Bartz, president, CEO and chairman of Autodesk, Inc.on Cisco's board.
Other members of Cisco's board, in addition to Chambers and Son, are JohnMorgridge, Cisco board chairman; Donald Valentine, partner at SequoiaCapital; Michael Frankel, vice president of SRI International; JamesGibbons, dean of engineering at Stanford University; David Ring, formerCisco vice president of manufacturing; and Robert Puette, president and CEOof NetFrame Systems.
Posted: Aug 3 09:42:35 1995