News Release

Wall Data and Cisco Systems Announce Flexible Client Software Solution for Migrating SNA to TCP/IP

Solution Preserves Features of SNA Over TCP/IP
Nov 14, 1994

KIRKLAND, Wash., November 14, 1994 -- Wall Data Incorporated [NASDAQ:WALL] and Cisco Systems Incorporated [NASDAQ:CSCO] today announcedan agreement under which Wall Data will incorporate Cisco's Native ClientInterface Architecture (NCIA)in its RUMBA software products. Takingadvantage of Cisco's TCP/IPencapsulation for SNA, the new Wall Dataproduct capability enables client workstations to send SNA data over TCP/IPinternetworks. This will give SNA users a more flexible solution formigrating to TCP/IP.

Under the agreement, Wall Data will enhance the RUMBA software productline by implementing NCIA, a component of Cisco's Internetwork Operating System (IOS). NCIA will give users of RUMBA software access to allnativeSNA applications, information and services over a TCP/IP internetwork.

"Our customers require TCP/IP solutions," said John Wall, founder andexecutive vice president of Wall Data. "Many SNA users are moving towardsTCP/IP, and this agreement will give them the complete functionality ofSNA, together with the scalability and performance of TCP/IP. Intermediaryproducts and host enhancements are not required, so migrating to TCP/IP isfaster and simpler."

Adding NCIA support to RUMBA software will also serve the growingnumber of remote users accessing SNA hosts via dial-in LAN products.

"For RUMBA software users, NCIA provides the best of both worlds bycombining native SNA with the flexibility and price/performance of TCP/IP."said Nick Francis, Cisco's director of IBM programs. Cisco's recentlyannounced Downstream PU (Physical Unit) Concentration option complementsWall Data's NCIA implementation. Downstream PU Concentration saves hostresources by merging individual sessions into a single PU image.

Wall Data plans to incorporate NCIA support in RUMBA for the Mainframe,RUMBA for the AS/400, RUMBA for Database Access, and RUMBA OFFICE by thefirst quarter of 1995.

Wall Data's products are sold through a worldwide network of computerdistributors and resellers, and directly through Wall Data's worldwidesales force. For more information, customers should call Wall Data at(800) 48-RUMBA.

With 54 offices throughout the world, Wall Data develops, markets andsupports Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Windows NT, OS/2 and System7-based connectivity software products and associated application tools.The company's RUMBA products leverage corporate computing investments byusing existing hardware, software and network systems. Wall Data alsoprovides a wide range of graphical interface application development toolsand support services to help enterprises improve workplace productivity.

CiscoSystems, Inc., headquartered in San Jose, Calif., is the leadingglobal supplier of internetworkingproducts, including routers, bridges,workgroup systems, ATM switches, dial-up access servers, software routers,and router management software. These products are used to buildenterprise-wide internetworks linking an unlimited number of geographicallydispersed LANs, WANs, and IBM SNA networks. Cisco's InternetworkOperatingSystem (IOS) technology, found in more than 250,000 installed Ciscounitsand in the products of over 20 partners, is the de facto industry standardfor data transmission. In the U.S., Cisco is traded over the counter underthe NASDAQ symbol CSCO. A member of the S&P 500 and Fortune 500, Cisco infiscal 1994 logged sales of $1.2 billion.