News Release

Cisco Systems Reports Third Quarter Earnings

SAN JOSE, Calif., May 12, 1994 - Cisco Systems, Inc.,

SAN JOSE, Calif., May 12, 1994 - Cisco Systems, Inc., (NASDAQ:CSCO), a manufacturer of internetworking computer systems, today reportedits third quarter results for the period ended May 1, 1994. Net sales forthe third fiscal quarter were $331,193,000 and net income was $84,344,000,or $.32 per share. This compares to net sales of $172,362,000 and netincome of $46,299,000, or $.18 per share in the same period lastyear, and are increases of 92 percent, 82 percent, and 78 percent,respectively.

Net sales for the nine months were $881,816,000 and net income was$225,301,000 or $.85 per share. This compares to net sales of $443,812,000and net income of $118,236,000 or $.46 per share in the same period lastyear, and are increases of 99 percent, 91 percent, and 85 percent,respectively.

The net income per share and number of shares used in per-sharecalculations for all periods presented reflect the two-for-one stocksplit which was effective March 4, 1994.

Cisco Systems' fiscal year is a 52 or 53 week year ending on the lastSunday of July. The 53rd week in fiscal 1994 was included in the secondquarter ended January 30, 1994. Fiscal 1993 was a 52 week year.

"It is my pleasure to report the seventeenth consecutive quarter ofgrowth in revenue and profitability since the company went public inFebruary 1990," said John Morgridge, president and CEO of Cisco. "While weare pleased with this performance, it is important to note that the rate ofgrowth as measured on a quarter-to-quarter basis is now in the 8-12percent range we have always projected.

"The clear highlight of the quarter was Cisco's announcement of both amajor new networking architecture and an array of new products targeted atthe emerging ATM and LAN switching segments of our market. Thisarchitecture, called the CiscoFusion(TM)architecture, will provideour customers with a clear, evolutionary path for the use of new switchedinternetworking technologies. As one of four founding members of the ATMForum, we have long been committed to finding a way to allow ATM to reachits potential. We feel that CiscoFusion will let our customers do justthat -- keeping the router-based intelligence of their networks whiletaking advantage of some of the speed and simplicity of switchingtechnologies.

"The new products announced as part of the CiscoFusion launch includethe Catalyst FDDI-to-Ethernet LAN switch, the first new product from ourWorkgroup Business Unit since the acquisition of CrescendoCommunications;the new Cisco7010, a five-slot version of our flagship Cisco 7000; theSilicon SwitchProcessor, an upgraded, high-end processor for our Cisco7000 family of routers that almost triples the performance of the systems;the ATM interface for our Cisco 7000 routers, and the Cisco ATMswitch, astate-of-the-art ATM switch for workgroup applications that was co-developedwith NEC. The Application Interface Processor and the ATM switch are thefirst ATM products on the market to support the ATM Forum's signalingstandard.

"New strategic partnerships announced during the quarter includeagreements with two global switching vendors -- Ericsson, and NorthernTelecom -- and an expanded partnership announcement with Cabletron Systemswherein Cisco will provide the internetworking and routing components forCabletron's existing and future hubs."

Cisco Systems, Inc., is the leading global supplier of highperformance, multimedia and multiprotocol routers, bridges, workgroupsystems, and communication servers.

                         Cisco Systems, Inc.           CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS               (In thousands except per-share amounts)                            Quarters Ended      Nine Months Ended                          ------------------   -------------------                            May 1,  Apr. 25,     May 1,   Apr. 25,                            1994     1993        1994      1993                          --------- --------   --------- ---------                              (Unaudited)          (Unaudited)Net sales                 $331,193  $172,362   $881,816  $443,812Cost of sales              109,141    56,054    294,420   142,873                          --------  --------   --------  --------   Gross margin            222,052   116,308    587,396   300,939Operating expenses:  Research and development  23,311    11,727     62,916    30,562  Sales and marketing       55,358    27,880    141,417    74,385  General and    administrative          11,796     5,417     33,665    14,544                          --------  --------   --------  --------Total operating expenses    90,465    45,024    237,998   119,491                          --------  --------   --------  --------Operating income           131,587    71,284    349,398   181,448Interest and other income,  net                        4,892     2,794     15,166     7,730                          --------  --------   --------  --------Income before provision  for income taxes         136,479    74,078    364,564   189,178Provision for income taxes  52,135    27,779    139,263    70,942                          --------  --------   --------  --------Net income                $ 84,344  $ 46,299   $225,301  $118,236                          ========  ========   ========  ========Net income per share      $    .32  $    .18   $    .85  $    .46                          ========  ========   ========  ========Number of shares used in  per-share calculation    266,126   258,801    265,020   257,609                          ========  ========   ========  ========

The net income per share and number of shares used in per-sharecalculations for all periods presented reflect the two-for-one stock splitwhich was effective March 4, 1994.

Cisco Systems' fiscal year is a 52 or 53 week year ending on the lastSunday of July. The 53rd week in fiscal 1994 was included in the secondquarter ended January 30, 1994. Fiscal 1993 was a 52 week year.

                          Cisco Systems, Inc.                 CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS                             (In thousands)                                       May 1,        July 25,                                        1994          1993                                    -----------   -----------Assets                              (Unaudited)Current assets:  Cash and equivalents              $ 95,171       $ 27,247  Short-term investments              81,438         61,738  Accounts receivable, net           202,164        129,109  Inventories                         33,111         23,500  Deferred income taxes               37,915         19,721  Other current assets                14,165          6,981                                    ---------      ---------     Total current assets            463,964        268,296Investments                          311,093        235,360Restricted investments                75,900         38,900Property and equipment, net           70,146         48,672Other assets                           8,567          3,985                                    ---------      ---------     Total assets                   $929,670       $595,213                                    =========      =========Liabilities and Shareholders' EquityCurrent liabilities:   Accounts payable and other      accrued expenses              $143,941       $102,236   Income taxes payable               35,228         17,796                                    ---------      ---------     Total current liabilities       179,169        120,032Shareholders' equity                 750,501        475,181                                    ---------      ---------     Total liabilities and         shareholders' equity       $929,670       $595,213                                    =========      =========