News Release

Cisco Unveils New Internetworking Architecture Designed to Blend Routing, ATM, LAN Switching

Array of Products to be Introduced This Year MENLO PARK,
Feb 28, 1994

Array of Products to be Introduced This Year

MENLO PARK, Calif., Feb. 28, 1994 -- A new internetworking architecturethat provides a blueprint for the merging of today's router-based networkswith emerging switching technologies such as ATM (Asynchronous TransferMode), LAN switches and "virtual LANs," has been unveiled by Cisco Systems.

The new CiscoFusion[TM] architecture will enable organizations to buildintelligent, switched internetworks powerful enough to handle the newgeneration of high-bandwidth applications (e.g., multimedia), yet flexibleenough to support an array of users, from those sharing Ethernets on legacyhubs to "power users" who want dedicated high-speed ATM to the desktop.Using an approach called intelligent multilayer switching, the CiscoFusionarchitecture is designed to overcome existing technical limitations ofswitch-based network technology to ensure sustainable growth, security andease of use.

Products to be rolled out over the next year in support of theCiscoFusion concept include anATMrouter interface and ATM switchthat together make up the first complete solution for ATM-LAN backbones; afive-slot router model, the Cisco7010 , in the high-end Cisco 7000 family;a Silicon SwitchProcessor that more than doubles Cisco 7000 family speed;and Catalyst ,the first intelligent Ethernet/FDDI switch for client-server workgroups.

Posted: Mar 1 09:06:30 1994