SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., June 23, 1993 -- Cisco Systems has awarded thefirst annual Cisco Circle Award to Vice President Albert Gore inrecognition of his visionary leadership in building global awareness ofcomputer networking through the National Information Highway Initiative.
In a private ceremony here June 21, Cisco President and Chief ExecutiveOfficer John Morgridge presented Gore with the award. The Cisco Circleaward carries with it a $10,000 donation to the educational institution ofhis choice. Gore chose to endow the Nancy Gore Hunger Chair of Excellencein Environmental Studies at the University of Tennessee. The chair isbeing formed in honor of the vice president's sister, who passed away in 1984.
In presenting the award, Morgridge told Gore, "We urge you to continueyour efforts by fostering experimentation. The Internet is an excellentexample of how investing in networks benefits institutions nation-wide. Inthe early 1980s, the Federal Government invested $20 million to establishwhat became the Internet. Today, the Internet links tens of thousands ofuniversities, corporations and governments around the world. By shrinkingthe effects of geography, the Internet is contributing to a new quality ofworldwide understanding through better communication.
"In recognition of your contribution to the advancement of global datanetworking communication, we are honored to present the first Cisco CircleAward."
The Cisco Circle Award will be presented annually to noncommercialtechnical innovators and visionaries who have demonstrated leadership in