Washington, D.C., March 10, 1993 -- MCI and Cisco Systems, Incorporated today announced a joint marketingalliance to provide end-to-end data networking solutions byincorporating Cisco technology with MCI's new HyperStreamdata services -- which include frame relay and switchedmultimegabit data service (SMDS) -- and private lines.
Working together, the sales forces of both companieswill offer prospective users custom private or hybrid datanetworks from MCI's family of advance data services andCisco's wide range of high-performance, multi-protocolrouters. MCI's HyperStream services, a suite of fast packetdata services designed for wide area networking, as well asprivate line and other data services will be available tocustomers through the new alliance.
To help customers install and maintain their datanetworks, MCI and Cisco will offer coordinated network designand post sales support. And, in an industry first, the twocompanies are working together on plans to provide customersthe option of receiving troubleshooting support directly fromCisco through MCI's HyperStream network in the event of arouter problem.
Additionally, the alliance will ensure theinteroperability of MCI's and Cisco's future wide-area datanetworking offerings.
"One of the fastest growing segments in thetelecommunications industry is router-based wide-area datanetworking," said Paul Weichselbaum, MCI's vice president ofdata marketing.
"We're very pleased to be teaming with Cisco, a leaderin the bridge/router marketplace. We believe that bycombining our respective strengths, we can design moreeffective networks to meet current and future challenges in aburgeoning data communications market," Weichselbaum said.
The MCI/Cisco alliance is expected to help fuel thegrowth of a variety of frame relay and SMDS applications ascompanies seek the most cost-effective ways to transmit largeamounts of data at high speeds. The agreement furtherdemonstrates the two companies' continued commitment toproviding customers with standards-based solutions to meettheir network requirements.
"We are extremely pleased to be working with an industryleader like MCI whose HyperStream frame relay and SMDSservices represent an aggressive offering in the market forhigh-speed packet switching services," said John Chambers,senior vice president of Cisco Systems.
"This alliance will enable us to deliver to our customerbase, one of the most attractive packages of network productsand services in the industry," he said.
Cisco Systems, Inc., (NASDAQ:CSCO) is the leadingworldwide supplier of high-performance, multimedia andmultiprotocol internetworking products, including routers,bridges, communication servers and network managementsoftware. Cisco technology can be used to buildenterprise-wide networks linking an unlimited number ofgeographically dispersed LANs, WANs, and IBM networks.
MCI Communications Corporation, (NASDAQ:MCIC)headquartered in Washington, D.C., offers a full range ofdomestic and global telecommunications services through oneof the world's largest state-of-the-art networks. With 1992revenue of over $10 billion, the company is the secondlargest long distance provider in the U.S. and has more than60 offices in 55 countries and places.