News Release

APPI Forum to Meet at Interop Spring in Washington

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., March 1, 1993 -- The APPI Forum, the
Mar 01, 1993

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., March 1, 1993 -- The APPI Forum, the group chartered to promote standardization of Advanced Peer-to-Peer Internetworking, an open systems solution to SNA peer-to-peernetworking, will hold its second meeting at Interop Spring '93 inWashington, D.C.

The meeting will be held Wednesday, March 10, from 9:00 11:00 a.m., at the Washington, D.C., Renaissance Hotel, 999 9thSt. N.W., West B Salon. It is open to vendors, users, analysts,consultants, members of the press and other interested parties.

The session's keynote address, "APPI Opportunities andChallenges," will be delivered by David Passmore of Gartner Group,a Stamford, Conn.-based market research firm. A talk on legacySNA network integration within APPI will be given by BobbyJohnson, Jr., president and CEO of LANSpeed, Inc. The meetingwill also include an APPI technical presentation.

In addition, the March 10 meeting will welcome five newvoting members who have joined the APPI Forum since its initialmeeting on Oct. 29, 1992: Arkhon Technologies, ascom Timeplex,Inc., MCI Communications Corp., NCR/AT&T and Unisys Corp.

The APPI Forum, established in October 1992, is dedicated topromoting Advanced Peer-to-Peer Internetworking (APPI), whichcombines the sophisticated internetworking features of TCP/IPnetworks -- dynamic adaptive routing, high performance, andsupport for multiple media and protocols -- with SNA peer-to-peernetworking. The Forum is chartered to produce APPIinteroperability specifications; promote industry cooperation tomake APPI products and services widely available, plan forinteroperability lab testing and coordinate input to standardsbodies; promote open network transport for hierarchical and peer-to-peer SNA; and encourage the opening of IBM's APPN and relatedtechnologies.

Current voting members of the APPI Forum are Alcatel, ArkhonTechnologies, ascom Timeplex, Inc., British Telecom, CabletronSystems, Inc., Cascade Communications, Inc., Cisco Systems, Inc.,CompuServe, Inc., Data Connection Ltd., Digital Equipment Corp.,Hewlett-Packard Company, McDATA Corp., MCI Communications Corp.,NCR/AT&T, Netrix Corporation, Proteon, Inc., Rabbit SoftwareCorp., SunConnect, SynOptics Communications, Inc., Unisys Corp.and Sprint Corp. Auditing members are Computer Communications,Inc., Eicon Technology Corp., Infonet Services Corp., ProginetCorp. and Source-Comm Corp. To register for the APPI Forum meeting, call (800) 829-6387.For more information, contact acting APPI Forum organizer MichaelZadikian at Cisco Systems, 415-688-4595.