News Release

Cisco Routers Successfully Tested for GOSIP Version Compliance

MENLO PARK, Calif., Feb. 2, 1993 -- Cisco Systems has become
Feb 02, 1993

MENLO PARK, Calif., Feb. 2, 1993 -- Cisco Systems has become the first vendor of internetwork routers to have itsproducts successfully tested for compliance with theGovernment OSI Profile (GOSIP) Version 2. GOSIP complianceis a requirement for purchase of internetworking products byfederal agencies.

Testing of Cisco router platforms was conducted inJanuary at Alcatel TITN, a National Institute of StandardsTesting (NIST/JITC) accredited third-party GOSIP testlaboratory in Pleasanton, Calif. Formal certification ispending with NIST.

Christine Hemrick, Cisco software product marketingdirector, said, "Cisco led the way to bring OSI from standardsconcept to implementation on real world internetworks. Now wecontinue to lead by becoming the first router vendor with GOSIPVersion 2-compliant products, which underscores our commitmentto the growing government marketplace."

Cisco products have supported the OSI (Open SystemsInterconnection) protocols, the industry standard of whichGOSIP is a subset, since 1989, and have been used to buildthe largest OSI networks in the world.

Cisco Systems, Inc., is the leading worldwide supplierof high-performance, multimedia and multiprotocolinternetworking products, including routers, bridges,communication servers and router management software. Ciscotechnology can be used to build enterprise-wide networkslinking an unlimited number of geographically dispersed LANs,WANs, and IBM SNA internetworks. In the United States, Ciscois traded over the counter under the NASDAQ symbol CSCO.